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Augmented Reality in Fashion

August 5, 2022

Augmented Reality in Fashion

Let’s talk about how Augmented Reality in Fashion effects both brands and customers in this article! Augmented Reality and web browser base augmented reality technology WebAR in fashion is transforming the way companies engage customers.  We as a Augmented Fashion Company, are focusing on the webAR and webAR enables customers to experience products virtually from the comfort of their homes without requiring an mobile application. AR or in other words Augmented Reality and webAR in fashion can help consumers understand what they’re buying, making it easier to meet customer expectations.

Augmented Reality in Fashion leads to higher-post purchase satisfaction and increases brand loyalty, customer engagement and unique experiences on consumers.

Starting with small details on augmented reality and webAR technology details; creating and delivering AR experiences is not limited to headsets. webAR in Fashion or Augmented Reality in Fashion technology can recreate a realistic, immersive, experimental contents and environments by 3D animation layering videos, images, supported with sounds if requested on top of real-world objects. AR in fashion can be deployed on smartphones, with projectors, and non-specialized hardware as well. But as a Augmented Fashion Company 9poly Fashion, we are focusing on app-less augmented reality in fashion. Our webAR technology is integrated to our website and directly works xas a web base augmented reality experience technology. We create 3D animated contents and users can just open their mobile devices to start augmented reality experience. Just open your mobile devices camera and scan the QR code on our clothes and webAR augmented reality in fashion experience starts!


We tried to list some of the benefits of using augmented reality in fashion are many and include the following:

When customers experience the products with augmented reality in fashion before purchasing them, it deepens their sense of ownership. And this creates a huge opportunity to increase revenue of the brands.

Many of the customers find AR in fashion is entertaining and rewarding. With Augmented Reality in Fashion, companies can create the unique experience  impression and immersive contents that there is no perceived product substitute thus eliminating pricing as a competitive strategy. We are in the experience journey era for shopping and brand experience, so if the clients find you interesting and keep your brand at the top of mind when making purchasing decisions.

Additional topic to above, augmented reality in fashion creates Rich and Immersıve Customer Experience. Studies have shown that 47% of consumers acknowledged that immersive Technologies like webAR in Fashion or Augmented Reality in Fashion make customers “feel more connected with products” while shopping online.

Augmented Reality in Fashion has a huge potential on Social Media Marketing and Viral Marketing. Immersive and interactive experiences elicit emotion which is a significant factor in a consumer’s decision to speed up for purchasing a product. Or you can create a social media contest with the user generated creative content creation from your customers and if you listen them maybe you can create new products as Augmented Fashion Company 9poly Fashion monthly does. Viral content means people are sharing it so much and so fast with their loved ones including family and friends. Augmented Reality and AR in fashion can help you gain or reach to a larger audience for your product. And AR in fashion allows to speed up your brand perception and brand recognition. Like all Classic Fashion companies and new generation Augmented Fashion Company 9poly Fashion also need brand recognition to build trust and acceptance but this is not the only 2 critical factors. Fun and knowledge creation as an experience is a great asset. Once trust and love are established, customers are more likely to try the immersive experience for themselves and are more likely to transform from the potential customers to become customers. Sharable experiences and user generated contents on social media mean customers will promote your product for you and benefit of going viral is helping to reduce costs on marketing.

Augmented Reality in Fashion Reduces Returns. Did you know that the cost of returns in fashion is  $550 billion per year as an average? Huge. Customers bought a product based on just a stock photo which is published on web site, only to realize upon receiving it, that it wasn’t what they imagined. AR product visualization in Augmented Reality in Fashion help the brands reduce return rates to less than two percent as an average.

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