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What is WebAR?

September 22, 2022

WebAR is called APP-LESS AUGMENTED REALITY just in 3 words. And the main key point for webAR is: WebAR is a mobile technology. webAR is a very strong component of web 3.0 and Metaverse technology.
No Apps Necessary WebAR technology accessed via native smartphone camera and mobile web browser and boasts an extremely low barrier to experience.
Web-based Augmented Reality, and it’s a relatively new technology that does not require a mobile application to function. Users can access AR experiences directly from their smartphone using the native camera and mobile web browser. This seamless user experience is one of the main reasons WebAR is rapidly growing in popularity.

Let’s talk about WebAR’s benefits!

WebAR technology enables meaningful brand engagement and creates experience. As a result of Accenture’s reseach; 47% of consumers say immersive Technologies like webAR, make them feel more connected with products.

Web-based Augmented Reality experiences are highly engaging, often using interactive 3D elements.

Compatible across both iOS and Android operating systems, WebAR is accessible to the masses.

Web-based Augmented Reality experiences, we mean webAR is scalable. Being a web-based technology, WebAR experiences are regularly rolled out globally with distribution sizes into the millions.

WebAR technology is compatible on over 3 Billion devices worldwide, across both iOS and Android operating systems. Web browser based augmented reality webAR is started with IOS 11 operating systems on IOS devices including Iphone and Ipad. webAR is using Google’s ARcore for Android operating systems and Apple’s ARkit for IOS operating systems as technology which are also allowing to create Metaverse and web 3.0 experiences.

Also, webAR is a new and immersive option to create NFT in Metaverse. NFT creation is also one of the main focus of 9poly Fashion in Metaverse.

What does 9poly Fashion do with WebAR?

As an Augmented Fashion Company, 9poly Fashion is giving customers the ability to experience any content in 3D in their own environment, activated through the webAR Augmented Fashion Company 9poly Fashion’s website.

Some ways of our Web-based Augmented Reality technology webAR usage are:

We create experiences for you and your loved ones with immersive contents created with webAR.

9poly Fashion creates WebAR experience even from social media and listens from you for the new products via on polls and contests and allows them to experience in your site directly from our website.

And finally, yes, Metaverse. Every product of 9poly Fashion is a NFT. So if you are wondering what is NFT please touch here to read. And if you want to purchase a 9poly Fashion’s NFT and say a very small hello to Metaverse, please visit our official Opensea account from here.

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